


Basic usage

<channel-picker value="oklab.a"></channel-picker>

If no color channel is provided (via the value attribute/property), the default oklch.l will be used:


You can hide the color-space part with CSS to show only the coordinates of the specified space:

<channel-picker id="picker" value="hsl.h"></channel-picker>

	#picker::part(color-space) {
		display: none;


You can listen to the valuechange event to get the current value (the value property). When a new color space is selected, the channel will be either preserved (if it is in the new space) or reset to the first available one:

<channel-picker onvaluechange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.value"></channel-picker>


All properties are reactive and can be set programmatically:

<button onclick="this.nextElementSibling.value = 'p3.b'">Switch to P3 Blue</button>

<channel-picker> plays nicely with other color elements, like <channel-slider>:

<channel-picker id="channel_picker" value="oklch.c"></channel-picker>
<channel-slider id="channel_slider" color="oklch(50% 50% 180)"></channel-slider>

	#channel_picker::part(color-space) {
		display: none;

	function updateSlider() {
		let [space, channel] = channel_picker.value.split(".");
		channel_slider.space = space;
		channel_slider.channel = channel;
	channel_picker.onvaluechange = updateSlider;


Attributes & Properties

Attribute Property Property type Default value Description
value value string oklch.l The current value of the picker.


These properties are read-only.

Property Type Description
selectedSpace ColorSpace Color space object corresponding to the space picker current value.
selectedChannel object The current channel metadata.


Name Description
input Fired when the color space or channel changes due to user action.
change Fired when the color space or channel changes due to user action.
valuechange Fired when the value changes for any reason, and once during initialization.


Name Description
color-space The internal <space-picker> element.
color-space-base The internal <select> element of <space-picker>.
color-channel-base The internal <select> element.


To install all color elements, check out the instructions on the homepage. The rest of this section is about using only <channel-picker>.

The quick and dirty way is straight from the CDN (kindly provided by Netlify):

<script src="https://elements.colorjs.io/src/channel-picker/channel-picker.js" type="module"></script>

or in JS:

import "https://elements.colorjs.io/src/channel-picker/channel-picker.js";

If you are using npm to manage your dependencies, you can import it via:

import "color-elements/channel-picker";


import { ChannelPicker } from "color-elements";