Color Elements

Color Elements

These are some highly experimental color-related web components. Use at your own risk, the API can change at any point.

All elements

A screenshot showcasing the <color-picker> color element


Select and adjust colors in any color space using sliders and input fields.

A screenshot showcasing the <color-scale> color element


Display a list of colors. Primarily intended for color palettes.

A screenshot showcasing the <color-chart> color element


Display lists of colors as a scatterplot or line chart.

A screenshot showcasing the <color-swatch> color element


Display a visual representation of a color alongside the info about it.

A screenshot showcasing the <color-inline> color element


Display a color swatch alone or alongside its textual representation.

A screenshot showcasing the <channel-slider> color element


Display a <color-slider> for a specific channel.

A screenshot showcasing the <color-slider> color element


Display a slider with a gradient background. Primarily intended for color picking.

A screenshot showcasing the <gamut-badge> color element


Gamut indicator. Used internally by <color-swatch>.

A screenshot showcasing the <channel-picker> color element


Select individual color channels within a specified color space.

A screenshot showcasing the <space-picker> color element


Select a color space from a list of predefined or custom color spaces.





To include all components at once:

<script src="" type="module"></script>

To cherry-pick individual components, follow the instructions within the component’s page, but it generally looks like this:

<script src="" type="module"></script>

Each component imports its own dependencies and styles.


As usual:

npm i color-elements

and then:

import "color-elements";

You can also import individual components:

import "color-elements/COMPONENT_NAME";